Knowledge and practices among registered nurses on occupational hazards in Onandjokwe Health District: Oshikoto region, Namibia

Julia Amadhila, Jacoba Marieta Van der Vyver, Daniel Opotamutale Ashipala


Objective: This study sought to explore and describe the extent of the knowledge on occupational hazards amongst registered nurses in Onandjokwe Health District.
Methods: This study used a quantitative research design utilizing a survey by means of a questionnaire. The population of the study consisted of randomly selected registered nurses who were in direct contact with patients. Data was gathered using questionnaires, utilized for descriptive statistics and evaluated with quantitative, computerised statistical techniques using. Statistical Package for the Social Scientists (SPSS).
Results: The findings of this study revealed that the majority of registered nurses have knowledge on occupational hazards, yet a few number (24%) have insufficient knowledge. The findings also revealed that information and support is provided to some (22%) nurses.
Recommendations: Recommendations made based on the findings of this study include regular training and educational meetings to enhance occupational safety, develop/introduce policies and guidelines or strategies on all aspects related to occupational hazards/safety.
Conclusions: Most (76%) of the registered nurses have knowledge on the ways that they can be exposed to occupational hazards in the following areas: such as handling of sharp instruments, lifting of patients, exposure to psychological problems due to frustrations, and exposure airborne diseases.

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Journal of Hospital Administration

ISSN 1927-6990(Print)   ISSN 1927-7008(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press
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