The Impact Technology Has Had on High School Education over the Years

Egemen Hanımoğlu


Technology in secondary school is of great importance to students and teachers. School management teams focus on
ensuring that learners have access to computers during the high school years. The existence of the internet has led to
an increase in the drive to promote the availability of computers to all high school scholars. For instance, wiring the
institutions and classrooms is a measure adopted to improve access to quality education facilitated by internet use.
Through technology, various concepts related to learning can be shared easily. Integration of IT in learning process
requires practical skills and access to technological tools for teachers. Therefore, many academic institutions have
significantly invested in the purchase of equipment. The current study analyses various literature focusing on the
roles that technology has played on high school education over the years. The critical area to focus on includes
technology and interaction of teachers, students, benefits of the technology, as well as possible drawbacks.
Accordingly, integrating online learning and teaching activities plays a crucial role in accommodating student's
diverse learning styles. In addition, such strategies can assist leaner's to work before or after school, unlike in
conditions where only classroom learning occurs.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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