An Analysis of Coaches’ Unethical Behaviors in terms of Sociodemographic Variables

Levent Tanyeri


In addition to physical struggle, sports are also closely related to moral behaviors and attitudes. The will to succeed
and win which plays a central role in sports also brings about various ethical questions. In this respect, the present
study aims to analyze coaches’ unethical behaviors in terms of socio-demographic variables. To this aim, a total of
173 students comprised of 100 male students and 73 female students were invited to participate in the present study.
“Athlete Perception Scale about Coaches’ Unethical Behaviors” developed by Güven and Öncü (2012) and a
“personal information form” developed by the researcher was used data collection tools in the present study, and the
findings indicate a normal data distribution. No significant differences were found among scale scores in terms of
gender, sports branch and level of sportsmanship. However, it was also demonstrated that years of athletic experience
had a significant effect on students’ views on coaches’ unethical behaviors.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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