The Hard Teacher’s Leadership Coping to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Jorge Carlos Aguayo Chan, Martha Vanessa Espejel López, María de Lourdes Pinto Loria, Efrain Duarte Briceño


Most teachers in Mexico are not experts on Information and Communication Technologies, some rural areas lack a good internet connectivity or even electricity. This context led us to determine: How can teachers keep the pace of educational leadership? and How they cope their teaching task with the COVID-19 pandemic? The sample included 329 teachers from urban and rural zones, 71.1% female and 28.9% male, with a mean age of 38.8 years, working in public (71.7%) and private (28.3%) schools. A self-evaluation template was used to assess the planning, didactical sequence analysis and evaluation competence from the teachers. Our aim was to sketch a teacher’s leadership competences profile, specifically in these pandemic times. The results showed than 75.7% of the teachers had an internet access between Good and Very good; on the contrary, 78.4% of the teachers considered that most of their students had between “not very good” to “very bad” internet access. Only a few teachers addressed the didactic planning or followed its development and assessment: I have elaborated and shared with the students indicators of achievement from the didactical sequence (32.8%); I have stimulated processes of reflection upon learning through an instrument (22.5%); I have regularly incorporated and used digital tools and Internet (31.9%); at last, I have established and conducted moments of evaluation, self and formative co-evaluation in which the students have been able to make changes based on the feedback received (30.1%). However, teachers are coping with this pandemic time and it may involve a change in educational strategies towards the future.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Jorge Carlos Aguayo Chan

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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