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Fann, Woody Jann-Der, Ling-Tung University (Taiwan, Province of China)
Faraji, Mehdi
Faruqi, Farhan A., Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), WSD, Edinburgh (Australia)
Feng, Jianxin, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Fernandes, Sérgio Eduardo Soares
Fragkou, Pavlina, Department of Informatics Systems, Technological Educational Institution of Athens (TEI-A), Ag. Spyridonos, 12210, Egaleo, Athens, Greece, (Greece)
Freitas, Henrique C., Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (Bouvet Island)
Fujita, Kazuhisa, Komatsu University (Japan)
Fukada, Naoto (Japan)
Futa, Yuichi

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