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Åstedt-Kurki, Päivi M., University of Tampere, School of Health Sciences,Tampere,Finland, Hospital District of Pirkanmaa, Department of Research Administration,Tampere,Finland
Åstedt-Kurki, Päivi, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tampere, Tampere (Finland)
Åstedt-Kurki, Päivi
Athlin, Elsy
Attila, Kovács
Aufdenkamp, Marilee
Axelsson, Inge, Child and Adolescent Medicine, Östersund Hospital, Sweden Department of Nursing Sciences, Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden
Aydogdu, Sümeyye, Dr. Sami Ulus Maternity and Children’s Health and Diseases Training and Research Hospital (Turkey)
Ayuba, Gagare A., College of Nursing Jalingo (Nigeria)
Azaiza, Khitam
Azuero, Andres
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Clinical Nursing Studies
ISSN 2324-7940(Print) ISSN 2324-7959(Online)
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