The Relationship Between the Quality of Academic Advising and the Perception of Academic Outcomes of Saudi College Students

Maryam Awadh


One aim of all educational institutions is to advance the relationship between academic advising and students’ outcomes. The purpose of this literature review was to examine whether the level of quality of academic advising as measured by the advisor’s meeting frequently, informativeness and availability, educational support, and career support predict students’ persistence outcomes as measured by college loyalty, intent to drop out, social integration, and academic integration. This study helps provide evidence and empirical data to the field of academic advising by investigating its relationship with students’ college commitment. The study was guided by Tinto integration theory (1987) and Astin involvement theory (1984). The literature derives from Saudi and united states studies. The analysis of this literature resulted in the identification of the academic advising relationship with students’ outcomes. The findings are suggesting that quality academic advising matters for students’ college commitment and positively predicted students’ perceived academic integration. Future research should continue exploring the relationship between the quality of academic advising and students’ college commitment but not necessarily limited to one institution or community.

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