Qualitative Methods Research Through the Internet Applications and Services: The Contribution of Audiovisual Media Technology as Technology-Enhanced Research

Constantinos Nicolaou


This article discusses traditional methods and techniques of methodological qualitative research using the Internet applications and services as technology-enhanced research. The rapid developments of technology have reformed the methodology of qualitative research with new trends and perspectives of research methods, which are now carried out from and through the Internet (e.g., audiovisual methods from and through audiovisual media technology). The Internet is now a huge research challenge for researchers as an opportunity for action (such as the philosophy and the methodology of action research). Through extensive and rich literature, an attempt is made to understand the whole subject in relation to audiovisual media technology, which requires many new skills and abilities. The main purpose of this article is to become an important guide, but also a list of (new) methods for conducting a qualitative research, while its bibliography can be used as a source for further study.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/irhe.v6n1p1


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