Views of Teacher-Trainees on Clothing and Textiles Education in two Teacher Education Universities in Ghana

Phyllis Forster, Rosemary Quarcoo, Elizabeth Lani Ashong, Victoria Ghanney


The study explored the views of teacher-trainees on Clothing and Textiles (C&T) education in two teacher education
universities in Ghana. The objectives were to find out whether pre-tertiary Sewing/C&T lessons provided them with
small-scale business skills, and foundation for higher education, they could teach Sewing/C&T competently on
internship, identify their sources of motivation, and elicit their suggestions to improve on the subject. Data collected
revealed that one-tenth and two-thirds acquired small-scale business skills from their lessons at basic and secondary
levels respectively. About 71% indicated they taught the subject competently on internship and career intention was
their main motivating factor for the subject. For improvement, there is need to provide adequate modern facilities and
competent teachers with current ideas in content and pedagogy, and good teacher relationship with students and
industry. Other suggestions were, students should remain focused and attract others to the subject through their
dressing. Feed-back from the teacher trainees indicates that Sewing/C&T education in Ghana provides occupational
skills and foundation for further studies.

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Copyright (c) 2016 World Journal of Education


World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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