Supplemental Instruction and Academic Success and Retention in Science Courses at a Hispanic-serving Institution

Vanessa B. Meling, Marie-Anne Mundy, Lori Kupczynski, Mary E. Green


This study provides insight into the effectiveness of Supplemental Instruction (SI) at a Hispanic-serving institution(HSI), particularly with Hispanic students. The United States Department of Education (2010) defines an HSI ashaving a 25% or greater full-time, Hispanic student enrollment and 50% or more of all students are eligible forneed-based financial aid. It is essential for many Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) that have a high percentage ofHispanic populations to find ways where they will support and retain a growing number of minority degree-seekingstudents. One of the biggest challenges for HSIs is not only increasing retention, but additionally supporting theScience, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) courses at these institutions. The study contributes to theexisting research that shows that SI is an effective student success intervention in improving academic success andcourse retention among Hispanic students in STEM related courses. The results showed a significant difference inacademic success and course completion among Hispanic students at an HSI with SI participation in Chemistry andPhysics courses.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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