A Critical Analysis of the Debate on State Failure in Africa

Eze Akani, Christian


The focus of this study is to critically examine the Western debate on State failure in Africa. Western researchInstitutes and Agencies such as the Freedom House Annual Survey, the Fund for Peace Index and the World BankGovernance Matters have come to the conclusion that most African States have failed in the discharge of theirstatutory responsibilities. This is because they are unable and incapable of sustaining democratic institutions andprotecting the lives and property of their citizens. As a qualitative research, data collected was through primary andsecondary sources. The primary sources included discussions and interviews, while the secondary sources wasliterature review, Newspapers, official Bulletins and magazines It was discovered that the State failure debate did nottake into consideration Africa’s Colonial and neo-Colonial experiences. Also the policy implication of this project isto ensure that the continent’s political economy is within the control of the global capitalist system. We, therefore,recommend that African leaders should not be bothered about this development, but be concerned about theprovision of good governance and human security.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjss.v3n2p23


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