A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Brocato, Melissa B (United States)
Broiakovskyi, Oleksandr V., Department of Olympic and Professional Sport Theory and Methodology, Faculty of Physical Education, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Kropivnitsky, Ukraine
Brommelsiek, Margaret
Brown, Cary A, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (Canada)
Browne, Raffie A.
Brownie, Sharon M
Bruce, David R., University of Ottawa (Canada)
Bryndikov, Yuriy L.
Bu, Xin
Buch, Kimberly K., The University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA (United States)
Buck, Spencer
Buczynski, Sandy, University of San Diego
Budd, Jillian
Budiman, Agus, Doctoral students of technology education and vocational, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia. (Indonesia)
Buendia-Aparcana, Roberto
Buhrig, Jan
Bullard, Steven
Bunnaen, Wutthisak
Burganova, Guzel V.
Burger, Phyllis
Burmansah, Burmansah, Universitas Negeri Jakarta (Indonesia)
Bursali, Nihan (Turkey)
Busch-Petersen, Kai, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture Stephen F. Austin State University Nacogdoches, TX, USA (United States)
Buys, Thamsanqa
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International Journal of Higher Education
ISSN 1927-6044 (Print) ISSN 1927-6052 (Online) Email: ijhe@sciedupress.com
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