Change Management Strategies in Policies and Reforms and Administrative Functions Competence in Delta State Colleges of Education

Joseph Efe Anho


This research change management strategies and administrative functions competence, used the expo-facto research
design of the survey method. The population of the study was made up of the 865 lecturers in the Delta State
Colleges of Education in the 2015/216 academic session. The study used the stratified random sampling technique to
sample 120 lecturers. The questionnaire tagged “Change Management Strategies and Administrative Function
Competence” (CAMSAFC) was the main instrument used. It was validated by expert judgement and tested for
reliability using the split-half method and Pearson Moment Correlation co-efficient statistics to obtain a reliability
index of 0.75, from 20 respondents of the College of Education, Ekiadalor, Edo State. The results/data from the four
research questions were presented and analyzed on a table using the mean scores and standard deviation with the
acceptance mean rating at 2.50 and above. The only hypothesis raised was tested using the t-test statistics for
significant difference in the perception of respondents at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that staff
and students personnel services, curriculum and instruction, school community relations, school finance, school plant,
are the main administrative functions that experience change frequently and that change management strategies
commonly used includes; articulation of problems to be solved with change, collaborative approach in plan and
implementing change, among others. The findings also revealed that there is no significant difference in the
perception of respondents when experience is considered.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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