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Valjan Vukic, Violeta, Department of Teachers' and Preschool Teachers' Education, University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia (Croatia)
Van, Luong Thi Thuy, Thai Nguyen University Education (Viet Nam)
Vasant, Santanu, University of East London (United Kingdom)
Vera Noriega, José Angel, Department of Regional Development, Center for Research in Food and Development, Sonora, México (Mexico)
Visuttakul, Chidchamai, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Suryadhep Teachers College, Rangsit University (Thailand)
Voce, Julie, City, University of London (United Kingdom)
Vorawattanachai, Panjanat
Vumilia, Philbert L.
Vurgun, Nilgün, Manisa Celal Bayar University (Turkey)
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
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