International Journal of Higher Education

International Journal of Higher Education (ISSN 1927-6044  E-ISSN 1927-6052) aims to advance the global discourse on higher education by publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed research. It covers a broad spectrum of topics including educational policy, teaching methodologies, student outcomes, institutional management, and faculty development. The journal emphasizes interdisciplinary approaches and international perspectives, fostering dialogue among educators, researchers, and policymakers. It seeks to address contemporary challenges in higher education, such as access, equity, quality assurance, and the impact of technology. By promoting innovative practices and evidence-based policies, it supports the enhancement of teaching and learning worldwide. The journal is published in both printed and online version. The online version is free access and download.

This journal accepts article submissions online or by e-mail (




Open Access Policy:

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Copyright Policy:

Copyrights for articles are retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. Authors have rights to reuse, republish, archive, and distribute their own articles after publication. The journal/publisher is not responsible for subsequent uses of the work.

This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.



2024: Articles Received: 92; Accepted: 40; Rejected: 48; Published: 36; Retracted: 0

2023: Articles Received: 158; Accepted: 91; Rejected: 71; Published: 74; Retracted: 0

2022: Articles Received: 162; Accepted: 91; Rejected: 69; Published: 138; Retracted: 0

2021: Articles Received: 304; Accepted: 210; Rejected: 114; Published: 138; Retracted: 1

2020: Articles Received: 879; Accepted: 337; Rejected: 501; Published: 291; Retracted: 3

2019: Articles Received: 438; Accepted: 216; Rejected: 194; Published: 189; Retracted: 0

2018: Articles Received: 206; Accepted: 140; Rejected: 65; Published: 111; Retracted: 0

2017: Articles Received: 166; Accepted: 119; Rejected: 44; Published: 112; Retracted: 0

2016: Articles Received: 171; Accepted: 118; Rejected: 51; Published: 103; Retracted: 0

2015: Articles Received: 145; Accepted: 88; Rejected: 43; Published: 72; Retracted: 0

2014: Articles Received: 120; Accepted: 78; Rejected: 39; Published: 58; Retracted: 0

2013: Articles Received: 127; Accepted: 79; Rejected: 39; Published: 71; Retracted: 0




What is e-Version FirstTM

e-Version First is a feature offered through our journal platform. It allows PDF version of manuscripts that have been peer reviewed and accepted, to be hosted online prior to their inclusion in a final printed journal. Readers can freely access or cite the article. We aim to publish accepted manuscripts in e-Version First in two week's time after the final draft completed.


Paper Selection and Publishing Process

a) Submission Acknowledgement

When you submit a manuscript online, you will receive a submission acknowledgement letter sent by the online system automatically. For email submission, the editor or editorial assistant sends an e-mail confirmation to the submission’s author within one to three working days. If you fail to receive this confirmation, please check your bulk email box or contact the editorial assistant by email:

b) Basic Review

After receiving the submission, the editor or editorial assistant checks the paper’s scope, language, bibliography, references, ethics, conflict of interest, etc.. Next a check for the similarity rate is done using CrossCheck, powered by iThenticate. Any manuscripts out of the journal’s scope or containing plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, are rejected.

c) Peer Review

We use double-blind system for peer-review. The paper will be peer-reviewed by at least three experts; two reviewers from outside and one editorial staff from the journal typically involve in reviewing a submission. The review process may take 4-10 weeks. 

d) Decision Is Made

The decision to accept or reject an article is made based on the scores provided by the reviewers on this paper. When the average score is ≥2.75/5, the paper would be accepted for publication. In most cases, authors are required to revise the paper according to the comments from the reviewers and editorial staffs. If differences of opinion occur between reviewers, the editor-in-chief will weigh all comments and arrive at a balanced decision based on all comments, or a second round of peer review may be initiated.

e) Notification of the Result of Review

The result of review will be sent to the corresponding author and forwarded to other authors.

f) Article Processing Charge Is Paid

If the submission is accepted, the authors revise paper and pay the Article Processing Charge (600.00USD).

g) Publication Notice

The authors and readers will be notified and invited to visit our website for the newly published articles.



Message from the Editor-in-Chief Dr. Ingrid Harrington (Vol. 13, No. 6, December 2024)


Another year has passed quickly, and I’d like to take this moment to ask all of us to reflect upon the highlights of our professional and personal year. Too often we progress from deadline to deadline, significant dates and events, and once passed, we fail to remember and again enjoy these highlights that defined parts of our year. In our hometowns and on the broader global scale, some of us may remember events with mixed feelings and regret, whilst others rejoice with national pride. As such, our work as academics to disseminate important research findings and promote our cultural diversity and knowledges, is more important than ever. The IJHE continues to provide an important forum for the development of theory, the addressing of policy questions, and the dissemination of innovative practice in the field of tertiary education, specifically widening participation and lifelong learning.  I am proud to be a part of the successful promotion of widening participation in tertiary education and lifelong learning. This edition includes seven interesting articles exploring citation counts and the student experience and learning performances, from Texas USA Singapore, Kuwait, South Africa, Kuwait, Germany, and South Sudan.

Posted: 2024-01-20 More...

Call for Special Issue Proposals


In order to better serve our academic community and deal with more focused topics with high current interest, special issues are welcome at any time during the year in any fields of higher education subjects. They should be organized by recognized experts in the area and attract articles of the highest quality.

Proposals for Special Issue should include the following: 

  • A suggested title for the Special Issue 
  • The journal for which the Special Issue is intended 
  • Proposed Aims and Scope, giving an overview of the Special Issue's intended focus and a list of the topics to be covered 
  • The Guest Editors who are willing to manage the Special Issue, including their names, emails, affiliations, and a short biography 
  • (one paragraph) of each of the Guest Editors 

We would like to cooperate with other institutions to publish special issues. In this regard, the following points should be considered:

1. If you would like to publish a special issue, please discuss it with us at least five months before publication to give us time to prepare.
2. You should pay an article processing charge of 600.00 USD per article. Usually, we publish eight to thirty articles per issue.
3. We will offer you a number of printed journals—usually, two copies of each article.
4. We provide you with a free e-journal in PDF, if you need it.
5. You may nominate guest editors and reviewers for the special issue, and we will list their names in the printed version.
6. You can arrange peer reviews by your nominated guest editors and reviewers; otherwise, our editors and reviewers can do it.

All proposals should be submitted to, and they are subject to approval by the journal editorial board.

Posted: 2021-01-01 More...

Call for Papers (February 2025)---International Journal of Higher Education


We are seeking submissions for forthcoming issues published in February and April 2025. The paper should be written in professional English. The length of 3000-8000 words is preferred. All manuscripts should be prepared in MS-Word format, and submitted online: or sent to:

For any further information about the journal, please log on its website:

Deadline for Submission (February Issue): January 25, 2025

Deadline for Submission (April Issue): March 25, 2024

Posted: 2022-12-20 More...
More Announcements...

Vol 14, No 1 (2025): [In Progress]

International Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2025

Table of Contents


Xiaqing Chang, Chunqiao Chang
Irene Etomaru, Adrew Kiri, Kadian Wanyama, Akuei Kuol
Mohamed Bahgat, Alaa Nazal, Ashraf Elsafty, Ahmed Seddek, Asmaa Elkharoby