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B., Mzilikazi
Babii, Iryna
Babych, Olha
Bachore, Mebratu Mulatu (Ethiopia)
Bachore, Mebratu Mulatu
Bachynska, Nadiia
Bader, Svitlana
Baecher, Laura, Hunter College of the City University of New York (United States)
Baidiuk, Liubov
Bakar, Adibah Abu
Bakhmat, Nataliia
Bakhtyari, Mohammad Basir
Bakumenko, Tetiana K.
Balanquit, Elizabeth P.
Barantsova, Tetyana
Barber, Lerverne
Barchan, Olesya V.
Barrón, María Concepción, National Autonomous University of Mexico Institute for Research on University and Education (IISUE)
Bascuñán, Daniela
Basha, Garkebo
Bashchikulov, Akylbai
Bassey, Bassey A.
Baston, Nadine
Batchenko, Liudmila
1 - 25 of 130 Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 > >>
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching ISSN 1927-2677 (Print) ISSN 1927-2685 (Online) Email: jct@sciedupress.com
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