Alienation as Forced Identity: A Study of Jhumpa Lahiri’s ‘The Namesake and Unaccustomed Earth’

B. Lavanya, Udhaya kumar R, M. Vinoth Kumar, M. Ponmuthuramalingam, Uthra. R


Diaspora is the fusion of several cultures. The widely dispersed populace feels a sense of cultural identity. People have relocated from the beginning of time in quest of better possibilities. They integrate outside of their home and absorb values from their country. Their minds split into two halves, which they must reunite. Many obstacles stand in their way, but they eventually affect the surroundings. When moving from one area to another, not only do eating habits, wardrobes, lifestyles, and languages change, but a person’s whole behavioral pattern also transforms. Multiculturalism and hybridity provide a fresh avenue for transformation. Conversely, it causes isolation, a lack of roots, and homesickness. There is always a longing about “Where do they belong?” They feel distant despite the mixing of two cultures. Their hybridity becomes an integral part of who they are. The result is linguistic, social, psychological, and historical progress as they combine the finest elements of both cultures. They are bound to earthly reality by their affinity. While this transfusion happens, the following generation adds fresh perspectives and broadens its reach. The battle between anxiousness and a lack of roots never ends. With time, individuals tend to cultivate a more nuanced perspective on life, recognizing the value of striking a harmonious balance between tradition and modernity as the most optimal approach for the collective.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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