Blogging as a Learning Tool: A Study of Writing Gains in an EFL Setting

Bandar Saleh Aljafen


Technology in the classroom today offers novel ways for enhancing the learning experience in ways that also engage the learners. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of Blog writing in engaging and motivating Saudi EFL learners in the writing class to boost their writing output. The participants are 12 EFL learners at Qassim University, Saudi Arabia, who undertake a blog writing five-week support exercise. The instruments of data collection are pre and post-tests, writing evaluation, and interviews. Results of the paired sample-t test indicated that there is a significantly large difference between before (M = 2.04) and after (M = 3, 0.5), p =.032 phases of testing due to the five-week blogging intervention, with organization of ideas being the faculty most developed at the end of the experiment, followed by presentation, vocabulary, grammar, content, context, and audience appropriacy. Interviews reveal learners’ enhanced engagement and motivation after the intervention. The study concludes with recommendations that will be useful for teachers, curriculum planners, and learners.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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