Teaching Grammar through Content-Based Instruction in a Second Language Classroom

V.J. Vinita, M. Ilankumaran


Content-Based Instruction (CBI) is a novel approach that delivers a systematic preparation to acquire English language skills within a specific context. This paper demonstrates the basic postulates of how the elements of grammar are effectively taught by this approach. It brings a profound study of the essential characteristics of Content-Based Instruction that is well-suited to teaching language learners. In the case of both speaking and writing skills, the learner is expected to ascertain the nuances and the essentialities of the English language. A firm ground to the exposure of the grammatical regulations gives an edge to the learning language when it comes to practical usage. Grammar rules and regulates its stature as a sure foundation of language learning. Content-Based Instruction is an approach that aids young learners to imbibe listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and to utilize them in real-life activities. Content-Based Instruction is an amalgamation of content learning with its focus on English verbal communication. The major endeavour of the CBI is to provide learners with a grasp of the grammatical systems that functions in the language. One of the conditions that the CBI claims to fulfil is that it focuses on the use of the language in its form and function. Grammar is an unwavering referral point and maintains an undisputable position when it deals with the never-ending patterns of human utterances. Content-Based Instruction functions effectively with authentic content and continuously upgraded and trained tutors. This paper propounds that grammar has to be instructed by experienced teachers with inexplicit input from an expert who gives weightage to the practical and pragmatic application of the language, unlike the followers of the traditional grammarians and grammar-translation method who stop within the arena of teaching only by trying to figure out grammatical properties. By involving students in language study through interactions and various classroom activities, Content-Based Instruction has gained a position on its own in aiding learners to utilize the English language in their everyday application.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v14n1p145

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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