An Examination of the Diverse Interpretations of the Epic through the Paradigm of Queer Theory and the Contradiction of the Self and Society

Prakash A, S. Sarayu Priyadharshini, Abirami T, Giriraj Kiradoo, Bairavi B, Mariappan B, Priyadarshini M.C., P. Jayakumar, Saravana Selvakumar. R, S. Janneker Lawrence Daniel


The article is of the conceptual epilogue, which provides a concise elucidation by delineating distinct sets of correlations. It examines the gender dichotomy, obscured self, and Marginalization of the selected characters in the reinterpreted works of Mahabharata. "Queer is an umbrella term for those individuals who are not only deemed sexually deviant but are made to feel marginalised due to standard social practices. It is a site of permanent becoming" (Giffney, 2004, p. 67). This study draws upon the post-modernist technique of reinterpretation to examine and reflect upon stereotypes, authority, and sexist values in Queer perspective. It also aims to challenge and mitigate gender distinctions, emotional perception, and the facilitation of women's thoughts and understanding. By giving voice to marginalised characters, the authors explore their ongoing struggle with the complexities of sex and gender, the rigidity between personal desires and societal obligations, and the intricate interplay between individual and collective truths. In doing so, they present a myriad of potential subjectivities and imaginative possibilities that shed light on contemporary issues surrounding Identity and self-perception.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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