Balcony of Disgrace: The Intersection of Patriarchy and Honor in Arab Societies

Ashraf Waleed Mansour, Visam Mansur, Shafiq Banat, Mead Mohamad Banat


The paper explores the complex issue of patriarchal principles that shape the socialization of men in Arab societies, where the criterion for masculinity is deeply rooted in adherence to cultural norms. Through the lens of Nasrallah’s novel Balcony of Disgrace (2010), the study analyzes the impact of the societal concept of honor on male identity and the difficult choices faced by men in such societies. The novel highlights the oppressive nature of patriarchal societies, which link male honor with female sexuality and legitimize the murder of women to preserve man’s image. The paper argues that patriarchal oppression not only extends to women but also to men who face public criticism for not conforming to patriarchal norms. The study aims to fill the gap in the existing literature on honor killings by highlighting the crises of both male and female identities. Overall, this paper provides a critical analysis of the impact of patriarchal norms on male identity and the societal consequences of gender-based violence in Arab societies.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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