Linking Metanarrative: Lexical Content in Preeti Shenoy’s A Hundred Little Flames

D. Pandeeswari, A. Hariharasudan, C. Gangalakshmi, P. Madhumitha, C. Saranya


The Postmodern metanarrative abbreviates the relation between entrap the texts that are wreaked by incidents, quotes, allusions, translation and so on. The aim of the study spotlights on the postmodern tendency of metanarrative in Preeti Shenoy’s selected text, A Hundred Little Flames. Preeti Shenoy is a multifarious postmodern writer. The term metanarrative is linked with dialect in the texts. The features of metanarrative are dialect, incident, way of narration and allusion etc. Jean Francois Lyotard is one among notable theorist of metanarrative. The present study has adopted only Lyotard’s metanarrative theory. The methodology of the study splits into three metanarrative concepts – narration towards knowledge, narration towards dialect and narration towards nostalgia. Lyotard proposed these three diverse concepts in his famous book The Postmodern Condition. These metanarrative concepts are adapted to the present study, and the authors have investigated the metanarrative elements in the select text of Shenoy. The results of the study are evaluated with other studies under postmodern metanarrative.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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