Research Trends in Postmodernism: A Bibliometric Analysis

A. Hariharasudan, D. Pandeeswari, Ahdi Hassan


The aim of the study investigates the bibliometric data of Postmodernism gathered from the Scopus database. More to the point, it elucidates the overview of Postmodernism, in the midst of indication to the influence of advanced technologies, utility, significance and limitations of Postmodernism in all fields. The methodology part reflects on a systematic evaluation of scientific articles in Scopus index journals particularly. From 1990 to 2021, the data acquired from Scopus database in sequence to attain the outcomes of the studies. The obtained and filter data are relevant to Boolean operators. Moreover, the software of VOSviewer is utilized to visually categorize and analyse the distribution of bibliometric data and networks using cluster maps. The findings of the study are categorized into three fractions: period of publication, coauthorship and citations. The result signifies that Postmodernism is trendy and unique around the world, and it has created a tremendous change in all fields. It engages in recreation of the world. The study handles the articles only in the Scopus database to expel journal articles as additional databases like Web of Science, Dimensions, PubMed, etc. Additionally, English-literature gives the scope that the future researchers to explore different languages related to work on Postmodernism will done. The implication of the present study is to draw attention to the bibliometric analysis via cluster maps fill the gap and results of previous studies. In that way, it provides accurate data to future researchers searching for ways to build up Postmodernism and its trends. The current findings of the study accomplish the gap in the enlargement of a framework of comprehensive conceptual. It amalgamates the indication of Postmodernism in a single organization that is left in previous studies.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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