Understanding Teamwork Affects Ingenuity in Creative Initiatives

Manisha Choudhary, Sushil Kumar, Subhash ., Madhavi Sharma


Representatives that are able to think independently and beyond the box are more likely to come up with unique and novel solutions to problems. This desire to solve problems might lead to new ways of doing things, better outcomes, and more efficient performance. In today's dynamic and changing economic environment, companies in any sector, including manufacturers, might certainly tolerate acting selfishly in their operations or the means by which they deliver products and services. As international markets and technological innovation continue to expose the manufacturing sector, businesses are being pushed to become more inventive in order to meet client needs and engage on a worldwide basis. As technology and innovation professionals prepare for future leadership roles in their firms, it's vital that they understand creativity and how to foster it among their peers. Employees are encouraged to cooperate when they are given the chance to be creative, according to the key contribution of this article. They solicit feedback from their co-workers when they have new ideas. The most intriguing component of offering a place for creation and invention was the creative process's design to foster collaboration and coordination. Several undergraduate engineering schools are gaining traction and integrating creativity into their curriculum, recognizing the realities of the corporate world and the necessity for creative problem-solving skills development. Creativity may be taught and people can be encouraged to come up with fresh ideas. On the other hand, teamwork and team teaching provide a lot of advantages. The current research will educate students about creativity and innovation, as well as how to foster it among their co-workers, in order to prepare them for future supervisory roles. Furthermore, the study's findings will benefit in the development of individualistic thinking abilities.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v12n3p39

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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