An Overview on Team Work Strategy in Medical Education

Divya Karla, Mhd. Mukhtar Alam, Vipin Jain, Meenakshi Sharma


The process of collaborating with a collection of people to achieve a common objective." Despite any personal dispute between individuals, teamwork implies that people will endeavor to collaborate, using their own strengths and delivering constructive criticism." In the medical field, Team work has become a primary focus. A health service that emphasizes effective coordination has been proposed as the method to develop patients care while also minimizing workload problems that contribute to burnout between healthcare personnel. In order to enhance the abilities necessary for efficient cooperation, it is also critical to review what work has previously been done in medicine. Several research has been conducted in sectors where medical practitioners deal with emergency circumstances. The foremost goals of this review is to observe the present state of knowledge on collaborative approach in undergraduate medical educations. In this study, the authors explain, analyses, and evaluate the work that has been done in different domains on team training and the value of team training. The future prospects of this paper involve people becoming more knowledgeable about working as a team as well as the benefits of teamwork in medical education since doctors specialize in a specific area, so the able to operate in a multi-disciplinary team is critical for patients with complex morbidities, healthcare is not only provided by doctors, but also by nurses and other allied health professionals.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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