Strategies for Developing Critical-Thinking Capabilities

Madhavi Sharma, Bhanu Mati Doshi, Mohita Verma, Amresh Kumar Verma


Critical thinking abilities enable you to comprehend and appraise a situation using all relevant facts or information. People may use critical thinking skills to arrange or organize information, including facts, to identify as well as solve a problem. There is a need for further study on the training of critical thinking abilities in business courses. Critical thinking must be explicitly defined in study designs, so suitable assessment strategies for assessing outcomes must be determined. This article discusses several different assessment procedures that may be utilized in research, but also information on commercially accessible testing. A list of probable research sources is presented. The most important contribution of critical thinking may be to assist you get a better awareness of yourself, allowing you to reject some unpleasant or restricting notions while focusing on your strengths. The capacity to express oneself may improve one's quality of life. In this paper, the author provides a comprehensive study on Strategies for Developing Critical Thinking capabilities. The majority of intellectual tasks include students learning to identify or build an argument, use evidence to support that argument, make sound judgments, or use the information to solve problems, all of which require critical thinking. In the future, this study helps to understand Critical thinking and different Strategies for Developing Critical Thinking.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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