Online Teaching Skills and Competencies

Rashmi Mehrotra, Ram Murat Verma, Manita Devi, Raju Singh Jakhar


The technique of instructing people using virtual networks is known as online teaching. Live courses, video calls, lectures, and other internet technologies are all used in this form of education. The web programs are created and intended to make studying and comprehension easier. The goal of this study and analysis was to narrow down the abilities and competencies that professors need to successfully instruct in virtual training contexts. Six groups of skills and competencies have been identified: Instructional skills, subject abilities, creative ability, technical abilities, managerial and organizational skills, and verbal ability are all important. Online education allows both the instructor and the learner to establish their teaching speed, with the additional benefit of being able to create a timetable that works for everybody. As a consequence, adopting a virtual learning environment provides for a healthier work combination, but there is no need to sacrifice everything.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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