Exile Testimonio in Kim Scott’s Benang from the Heart

Santhosh Kumar. L, S. Sobana


Literature is said to be culture-specific production. Muted voices are gaining momentum in academia, and they blur the line between personal and political. Exile Testimonio, as a theoretical discourse, foregrounds the plight of the natives in their homeland. Academia is of the misconception that Exile and Testimonio are irreconcilable binaries, whereas this research article highlights that both are of the same spectres. Power Structures play a rampant discourse in the life of the natives. The supreme irony is that everything is being state-sponsored. Subversion and Containment play a vital role in the theoretical discourse of Exile Testimonio. This Research Article showcases the hidden agonies of the Australian Citizens in their homeland. Australia as a Nation underwent so many invasions, and movements like Jindyworabox and stolen generation are essential in the literary discourse of Australian history and the history of Australia. Kim Scott as a writer of Exile Testimonio, encounters the hidden histories and how their ancestral roots are being shaken owing to political monopolisation. The painful fact is that Kim Scott, who hails from Nyoongar Ancestry, underwent traumatic emancipation when his people's identity underwent a drastic change. The beauty of Exile Testimonio as a theoretical discourse is that the writers become a critic and visionary in foregrounding the unheard truths. The Researchers here will examine the two literary works of Kim Scott, namely Benang.In these works, the hidden facets of history and also in the name of cultural up-gradation, inevitable brutalities had happened. This evidence forms the crux of Exile Testimonio. Overall, this Research Article emphasises making the unknown known by having the element of Exile Testimonio as a justifiable tool. 

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v12n5p41

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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