Some Issues of Research and Intercultural Communication Curriculum Development at Sai Gon University in the Integration Period

Tran Thi Kim Tuyen


With the opening and integration of our country, we have attracted many investors from various fields all around the world such as economy, society and so on, leading to the development of many changes in life, language and culture in Vietnamese communication. So "some issues of research and intercultural communication development curriculum at Sai Gon University in the integration period” is a topic that has important value in communication and this topic is worthy to be paid attention for carrying out a research. However, due to the limitation of the article, we only discuss the issues of research and develop an intercultural communication curriculum in the training of the Master's program in Linguistics at Sai Gon University, Viet Nam. To accomplish this topic, a mix of methods will be employed, including surveying, listing and describing to clarify the issues of communication and intercultural communication in the conditions of the current country. Since then, we offer applications in teaching activities and curriculum development on issues that are closely related to communication, intercultural communication and linguistic in the development and integration period in Viet Nam.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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