Incorporation of Employability Skills in English Language Courses: Integrated Course Perspective

Nagat Ali Anham Radwan


Linking English language proficiency and employability skills together is supported by the general agreement in the language literature. Communication skills are highly valued as a graduate attribute for employability. For diagnosing the integration of employability skills in English courses, a survey questionnaire was presented to a panel of EFL instructors and EFL learners and graduates at the College of Sciences and Arts in Uglat Asugour, Qassim University. The results of the survey indicated that EFL students are lacking employability skills. Methodologies of instructors need to be developed to adhere to the integration of employability skills in English language courses. Moreover, it has been found that authentic assessment should replace traditional content assessment.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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