Code Choices in Marriage Discourse Preach: A Sociolinguistic Analysis

Rozanna Mulyani, Muhammad Yusuf, Mhd. Pujiono, Aprilza Aswani, Zaini Dahlan


As a global phenomenon, language contact that causes code-mixing (CM) and code-switching (CS) happens in many situations, including wedding parties. This study analyzed the CM and CS and investigated the purpose of CM and CS in marriage advice uttered by Ustadz Abdul Somad. This study used a qualitative approach in which narrative analysis technique was applied to analyze the data. The data source was the utterances of Ustadz Abdul Somad (UAS) taken from the recorded video, which was downloaded from YouTube. The data were words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. The data were transcribed by using and reviewed by three language experts (Indonesian, English, and Arabic). As results, this study indicates that Indonesian-Arabic and English-Indonesian CM were found at the word and phrase levels. Then, Arabic-Indonesian CS was found at the inter-sentential and intra-sentential levels. CM and CS employment purposes were various, such as emphasizing the meaning, praising, hoping or praying, translating, and exemplifying.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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