Error Analysis in Second Language Writing: An Intervention Research

D. Angala Parameswari, Ramesh Manickam, Jerin Austin Dhas.J, M. Vinoth Kumar, A. Manikandan


Error analysis has been a widely used approach to assess the writing of second-language learners. With an extensive literature review, this research investigates the origins of error analysis, its development and applications in second-language writing competency. This research utilizes error analysis to examine errors made by writers using a second language and their impact on language learning and teaching. Thereafter, explores the advantages and disadvantages of error analysis for evaluating second-language writing. And, by assessing the accurate use of grammar and vocabulary in second-language writing following explicit instruction. The participants were intermediate-level English language learners who underwent a pre-test consisting of a writing task and self-assessment of their confidence in using grammar and vocabulary correctly. During the intervention, explicit instruction about grammar and vocabulary usage was provided to participants, including examples, practice opportunities, and feedback. A post-test included another writing exercise, a confidence assessment, and an inquiry about the effectiveness of the instruction given. The results showed that explicit training significantly boosted participants' confidence in using grammar and vocabulary correctly and improved accuracy in their use of written sentences. These findings suggest that targeted instruction on specific use of grammar and vocabulary can effectively enhance second-language writing skills. (Swain & Lapkin, 2000)

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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