A Framework for Learning Combined Problem Solving Skills

Meenakshi Sharma, Bushra Sumaiya, Kumud Kant Awasthi, Rashmi Mehrotra


Problem-solving is an important part of a well-rounded 2nd-century education. In his essay "Cognition in the Wild," Hutchins advises readers to look about their local region for artifacts that were not created by the combined efforts of multiple individuals, but also mentions but the only one in their region is the one in their area. A little stone on his desk was the thing that passed this test. Collaboration has a tremendous influence on our everyday lives. Researchers are continuously engaged in situations that need us to employ social skills to coordinate with other people, whether it is in schools, the workplace, or our personal lives. Tasks that need numerous students to work together to achieve a team goal, such as a final report, integrated analysis, or a joint presentation, are common in project-based work. Combined problem solving is rarely taught as a stand-alone ability separate from a specific subject. As a result, combined learning activities are frequently integrated into specialized courses of study, such as science, mathematics, and history, in school-based settings. Cooperative conflict resolution has been highlighted as a highly promising exercise that relies on a broad variety of social or cognitive abilities and can be tested in school settings where skills might well be evaluated or taught. The author of this work conducts a thorough investigation of problem-solving abilities. People with high problem-solving abilities can analyze issues, determine the severity of the situation, and weigh the pros and cons of various solutions. Employees who get problem-solving training in the workplace can collaborate more effectively with coworkers, clients, partners, or suppliers.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v12n3p10

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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