Author Details

Alam, Sohaib

  • Vol 13, No 8 (2023) - Articles
    Shifting Learning Atmosphere through Process Drama: Teaching English Parts-of-Speech (PoS) in Indian Classroom
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 14, No 2 (2024) - Articles
    The Role of Language in the Survival of Bangladeshi Theatre Artists during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Perspective on Resurging Society's Hope and Changing Realities
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 14, No 4 (2024) - Articles
    Trolling as a Disruptive Tool for Human Rights Violations: An Exploration of the Challenges Faced by Performance Artists
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 14, No 5 (2024) - Articles
    Political Discourse Analysis of Donald Trump’s Rhetoric: A Linguistic Study of Cognition and Discursivity
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 14, No 6 (2024): [In Progress] - Articles
    Role of Achievement Motivation and Metacognitive Strategies Use for Defining Self-Reported Language Proficiency
    Abstract  PDF